Summer Skincare Tips & Tricks!

Summer may be halfway through, but Summer Skincare should still be going strong!
While you’re out and about soaking in these summer rays, be sure to follow these tips & tricks to keep that silky skin protected and healthy!


I think we’re past the point of WHY it’s important to wear SPF. But for those of you new to the party, not only are we avoiding unwanted tan lines and sunburns, we’re slowing down the unwanted aging process of our skin. Our skin has the ability to protect us from harmful ultraviolet radiation, but why not give it a little help by wearing SPF daily and reapplying throughout the day and immediately after swimming.
Revision Skincare offers a hydrating daily anti-aging moisturizer packed with SPF 50. Purchase IntelliShade Clear today and keep that unwanted sun damage away!
Nervous SPF leaves you looking pasty? Try IntelliShade Matte, Revision Skincare’s anti-aging tinted daily moisturizer with SPF 45.

Don’t Forget About Your LIPS!

We are always mindful of keeping out skin soft and smooth, but don’t forget about your lips! Maintaining moisture in your lips will help prevent over drying when sitting under that summer sun.
YouthFull Lip Replenisher can promise you just that! This long-lasting hydrating product will calm and sooth, dry, dehydrated lips!

Keep Cool Eye Cream Cool!

Ever wake up puffy after what you thought was a good nights sleep? Ever take off your sunglasses after a day at the beach and feel like your eyes need a glass of water? This product and this trick can help you when both happens! Keep your eye creams refrigerated and apply to the skin cold!
Not only does DEJ Eye Cream already come with a cooling metal applicator, when refrigerated, that applicator becomes your depuffer and skin tightener all in one! Formulated and clinically-proven to address eyelid hooding and droopiness, all while keeping your eye area hydrated and smooth!

Avoid Razor Bumps and Burns!

Seeing as to how we do the most shaving during the summer months, it’s important to be aware our skin needs proper preparation before the harsh process of shaving. To be specific:

  • Use a body exfoliant like Finishing Touch before you start shaving
  • Always replace dull blades and razors
  • Use shaving cream
  • Shave in the direction in which the hair grows
  • Moisturize liberally directly after shaving with BodiFirm
    Or to save yourself the headache all together, consider a consultation for Laser Hair Removal!

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