Summer Safe Skincare Treatment – FORMA

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FORMA technology is offered at Park Avenue Plastic Surgery Med Spa! Forma stimulates the formation of new collagen and improves the skin’s elasticity for long-lasting and remarkable results. The radio frequency current flows between the electrodes to provide a comfortable thermal experience, without concerns of hot spots or undertreatment. Built-in temperature controls allow for the attainment of clinically proven optimal epidermal temperatures. In addition, Forma has the exclusive capacity for prolonged exposure at therapeutic temperatures, which can be reached quickly and uniformly.

What Makes this Treatment Summer Safe?

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FORMA is a superficial approach to obtaining your skin tightening goals. Though the skin may be left red following your treatment due to heat exposure, skin usually goes back to its normal state within an hour. Since this treatment is extremely noninvasive there is essentially no down time. The skin remains intact and though the FORMA handpiece is glided across the skin for approximately ten minutes, there is no resurfacing ultimately eliminating any risk of sun sensitivity.

What Areas Does FORMA Treat?

FORMA is used to treat small areas such as jawline, cheek bones, and neck. FORMA Plus is used to treat larger areas such as abdomen and thighs.
Email our Medical Aesthetician today & try FORMA!

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